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Administering post injury tests with CSX GP Portal

CSX post injury testing is a simple process thanks to the CSX code that the athlete will present to you. Get started in 3 easy steps


Open CSX gp portal

The CSX GP portal is a secure website that provides a GP access to the patients CSX history and ability to conduct assessments thanks to a unique code.



The patient will have a CSX keyword and code that they can share with you via email or text, enter the code to access their profile.


Select assessment type

There are two assessment types available 

1. a post injury assessment for the initial assessment after injury

2. a clearance assessment prior to the patient returning to full training after completing the return to play process

CSX Code

The code provided by the patient will enable you to access their CSX history and to undertake injury and medical clearance assessments.

There are two types of assessments available for you

  1. Injury assessment: this is the diagnosis visit.
    Find out more here

  2. Medical clearance: after they have undertaken the return to play process and prior to returning to full contact.
    Find out more here

Flag Football Players
Doctor's Appointment

Injury assessment - diagnosis visit

The key steps for a concussion diagnosis should include:

  1. A medical assessment encompassing:

    • Comprehensive history

    • Symptom assessment

    • Neurological examination including mental status, cognitive functioning, coordination, vision

    • Comparison to baseline values

  2. Determine whether the clinical status of the patient has improved or deteriorated since the time of injury.

  3. Assessing the need for emergent neuroimaging to exclude structural brain injury.

Injury assessment
Medical Clearane

Medical Clearance assessment

Following your medical assessment the patient must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be asymptomatic

  2. Completed the graduated return to play

  3. Fully returned to school or work

  4. Returned to baseline or normative levels

Boy Throwing Basketball

Return to Learn, Work and Play

During this stand-down period, athletes must complete the Graduated Return to Learn/Work and the Return to Play (GRTP) process. These processes are based on international best practice to help athletes recover and get back to school/work and sport.


An athlete should not go back to sports until they are back to school or work without symptoms getting significantly worse and no longer needing any changes in their schedule.

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